While interviewing President Joe Biden, ABC TV’s George Stephanopoulos asked:
“Do you think he’s a killer?”
Biden replied:
“I do.”
It’s normal for the US corporate media to let its reporters denigrate foreign countries and leaders or incite US leaders to issue statements against them which are not conducive to good relations or world peace.
So, not surprising ABC’s Stephanopoulos, a Democrat who has worked with President Bill Clinton (Democrat) and an establishment guy itching for a war* with Russia, asked Biden (Democrat) such a question.
A diligent, honest journalist interviewing his country’s president would objectively inquire about presidential policies that may be causing harm to people inside and outside the United States, rather than inciting him to worsen the already deteriorated relations with Russia.
Unfortunately, this is an old game politicians and reporters in the US play to portray foreign countries and leaders in bad light, which implies the message that we’re good.
In the early 1980s, Ronald Reagan painted the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) as the “evil empire,” thus implying, without wording it explicitly, that the US is a saintly country. Even though, the US imperial empire is the most violent and destructive entity the world has ever seen.
*(By war, I don’t mean conventional military war – US leaders are not that insane because Russia is not a small country that the US can bomb at will. Russia has enough nuclear fire power to flatten US cities – if US attacks Russian cities. What the US does and will continue enhance is arm Russia’s closest neighbors to embroil Russia in conflicts with its neighbors.)
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Biden doesn’t feel sorry for calling the Russian leader a killer.
Putin’s response to Biden’s accusation was interesting:
“I remember in my childhood, when we argued in the courtyard with each other we used to say: it takes one to know one. And that’s not a coincidence, not just a children’s saying or joke. The psychological meaning here is very deep.”
“We always see our own traits in other people and think they are like how we really are. And as a result, we assess [a person’s] activities and give assessments.”
Xi Jinping
During the February 2020 Democratic presidential candidates’ debate, President Biden, answering CBS’ Margaret Brennan ‘s question, said the following (at 2:28:15) about President Xi Jinping:
“This is a guy who … doesn’t have a democratic – with a small ‘d’ – bone in his body. This is a guy who is a thug.”
What is Biden?
if Putin is a killer
Xi Jinping is a thug
what is Biden?
a party to war, deaths, devastation
a destroyer of so many black lives
a corrupt politician/friend of bankers
enemy of the common people/students
that is what Biden is
Putin’s proposal
To a Russian TV reporter, Putin made a great proposal to Biden:
“I’ve just thought of this now.” “I want to propose to President Biden to continue our discussion, but on the condition that we do it basically live, as it’s called. Without any delays and directly in an open, direct discussion. It seems to me that would be interesting for the people of Russia and for the people of the United States.”
Putin’s strategy is perfect to expose Biden’s crimes. As to who is the greatest thug and killer out of all three, one could, without hesitation, name Biden.
But Biden would never agree to any kind of debate because that would expose US as the most violent, corrupt, terrorist, warring nation on earth.
In 2001, the Afghan government, under Taliban control, promised to hand over Osama Bin Laden to a third party so that he could be tried for his role in the 9/11 terror attacks in New York and Washington DC.
George W. Bush government refused the offer, instead decided to bomb the already ruined Afghanistan. Bush Jr. administration’s refusal strong logic – if Bin laden were to be tried, all the things US did, including CIA’s training of Bin Laden and Muslim mujahids to fight Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, would come out in open.
The interesting thing is that Soviets were drawn into Afghanistan by US government. The then President Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski has openly admitted:
“I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion, this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.”
“We didn’t push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would.”
The aid Brzezinski is talking about was given to opposition in Afghanistan to create problem for Afghan government. Afghanistan was then a next door neighbor to Soviet Union who, of course, wouldn’t want trouble at its doorstep.
Putin can also list the US covert and overt wars, atrocities, coups, economic sanctions, and thousands of other crimes. That’s why Biden or any other president would never debate anyone. Even the White House press conferences are open to selected reporters who know the unwritten rules of staying and asking questions within the established framework.
B. R. Gowani can be reached at