From Adeline M Yerkes, BSN, MPH
Commissioner, Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women :
May 28,2015 the Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women accepted and approved the nomination of Nyla Ali Khan, PhD, to serve as a member of the Advisory Council to the Commission. She is the first Kashmiri woman to serve on the Advisory Council.
The Advisory Council to the Commission is composed of women and men across the State of Oklahoma who shall act as resources and provide expertise to the Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women. The Advisory Council serves as a vehicle to help the Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women meet its requirements to act as an outreach to the women of the state.
The Advisory Committee serves
a. to be a resource and clearinghouse for research and information on issues related to women and gender bias, to act as an advisory entity on equity issues to state agencies, communities, organizations and businesses of the state, and
b. to establish recommendations for action to improve the quality of life for Oklahoma women, children and families.
Dr. Khan received her undergraduate education from the University of Delhi and her graduate degrees from the University of Oklahoma. Her major field of study is English Literature.
She has authored three books and edited a major work related to Kashmiri women and the history of Kashmir.
She has written numerous articles which have been published in the popular press. She also gives lectures within the United States, including Oklahoma, and also outside the US.
Currently she is a Visiting Professor and an Adjutant Associate professor at the University of Oklahoma.
We, the Commission welcome her to the Advisory Council.
Adeline M Yerkes, BSN, MPH
Commissioner, Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women”