Love Matters talks sexy in Singapore


“Just a show of hands: who here has sex for pleasure?” The plenary audience at the 22nd Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) are thankfully not a shy bunch – most people raise their hands.

It’s early afternoon in Singapore and, after months of planning and research, Love Matter’s Content Strategist Michelle Chakkalackal is unveiling preliminary findings regarding the effectiveness of using the language of sexual pleasure in the communication of sexual health information.

Acknowledging the show of hands, Michelle continues:

“So if this is the case, why don’t we see the language of pleasure being incorporated in sex education? Even when we have just acknowledged together that people have sex because it feels good. Is it because we don’t have enough quantitative data to support our common hunches?”

It is this discrepancy – and the absence of quantitative data – that Love Matters is seeking to address with its analysis of tens of millions of data points across its sites.

As part of an expert panel called “Put the sexy into sex education”, Michelle revealed that early indicators strongly suggest visitors engage with pleasure-positive messages more often than with traditional sexual health messages, which typically focus on dry facts and risk.

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