Greek nation strangled with a necktie


European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker (R) greets Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras before the Eastern Partnership Summit session in Riga, Latvia, May 22, 2015 PHOTO/Business Insider

Tsipras doesn’t wear a tie
neither does his ex finance minister Yanis Varoufakis
nor do many of SYRIZA leaders
this makes them “deviants,” “others,” …
not part of the European establishment

Juncker offered a necktie to Tsipras
kind of a covert message:
wear it, forget your people and become a part of us
or reject it and be ready for the severe consequences

Tsipras didn’t start wearing tie
Junker rejected his telephone call
he warned that Greece can stay within the European zone
if it meets our bailout conditions
because if Greece leaves European Union
the European bankers will destroy it

to Tsipras, Europe’s superwoman Merkel offered a tie too:
wear it and commit suicide
or we’ll turn that tie into a noose
and strangle you and Greece

the strangulation has begun
Greece, already an economic corpse,
is now being further violated by necrophiliacs,
i.e., International Nations Fuckers or INFs

B. R. Gowani can be reached at