There is no such thing as “Team Australia”


The shirt that began the backlash.

Woolworths was caught out this month selling T-shirts with the slogan “If you don’t love it, leave” emblazoned over an Australian flag.

After George Craig posted a photo of the shirt on Twitter with the caption: “@woolworths cairns, selling racist singlets for everyday low prices! #racist”, the T-shirt was quickly and widely condemned. Woolworths immediately pulled the stock from its shelves and apologised.

But the message on the shirt — that everyone should celebrate Australia no matter what, and if you don’t then you don’t belong here — is not just a T-shirt slogan. It is the same message being promoted by our political leaders.

It is what Prime Minister Tony Abbott means when he tells everyone, and particularly Muslims, to get behind “Team Australia”.

As conservative shock jock Ray Hadley said in defence of the shirts: “This is the best country in the world — if you don’t embrace it you don’t deserve to be here.”

Abbott has a lot to gain politically by using this divisive language. His government’s budget was deeply unpopular because it hit the poorest and most marginalised the hardest, while the rich benefited.

Abbott’s policies will raise fees for university students, introduce a payment to see a doctor and make young people wait for six months before they are able to access welfare.

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