Apple rejects phone app that tracks worldwide drone strikes as “objectionable content”


Naureen Shah, the director of the Human Rights Clinic at Columbia University’s law school, told The Times that drone strikes are being “portrayed as picking off the bad guys from a plane. But it’s actually surveilling entire communities, locating behavior that might be suspicious and striking groups of unknown individuals based on video data that may or may not be corroborated by eyeballing it on the ground.”

Josh Begley, introduced as a former teen poet grand slam champion and current graduate student at New York University, and dubbed playfully, but respectfully, as an “Internet Provocateur” by the co-host of KPFA Radio’s fabulous Saturday morning program “Father Figures,” was recently interviewed on the program about a number of things, including his idea for an App that would let people know every time the U.S. launched a drone strike anywhere in the world.

Co-host Adam Mansbach pointed out that over the past year or so Begley has “pioneered a number of very provocative web sites and mobile phone apps. … pushing political dialogue on the web in a whole new direction.”

“Most recently,” said Begley, “it was this application … that I’ve been working on for a couple of months called Drones+. …It’s a simple application that sends a push notification every time there’s a reported U.S., drones strike… which is just like The New York Times news alert.”

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