“Actor George Clooney (C) is arrested during a demonstration outside the Embassy of Sudan March 16, 2012 in Washington, DC. United to End Genocide, the Enough Campaign and Amnesty International held a rally to call on the United States and world leaders to stop the violence in South Sudan and prevent hundreds of thousands of people from starving.” PHOTO & TEXT/Los Angeles Times
It was heart rending to see you getting arrested by the Washington DC police for a simple act of protesting for the peoples of Sudan and South Sudan. It was a great relief to see your quick release with a $1,000 bond, which saved you the fate of thousands of inmates who suffer indignities at the hands of the prison guards and fellow prisoners.
It was so refreshing to hear you on Fareed Zakaria’s Global Public Square on CNN. You and others have put private spy satellites over Sudan to see the crimes being committed by the guilty party. your approach of “carrot and stick” is also noteworthy.
26th US President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) had once said: “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” And usage of satellites by the US governments to spy on people and nations have become common. But the greatest wonder of the US democracy is that a common citizen like you can talk and act like a president too.
And to the Time magazine you boasted: “We are the antigenocide paparazzi.” It makes people proud that Hollywood is not all that fake.
Looking at your passion and commitment, I recommend few more places where you and your dedicated friends can put spy satellites. Then once the guilt is established, ask your decent and humanitarian government to go to war against the guilty party.
1. The custodian of Islam’s two holy places which doesn’t permit women to drive, beheads people regularly, squanders the national wealth, hates democracy, spreads religious fanaticism, …
2. The crazy leaders, who claim they’re God’s “chosen people”, are sitting on occupied territory. On top of that, they’re hell bent on occupying more land and are busy in tightening the suffocating noose around the native people.
3. The land where The Great Game was played in the past, is under occupation for over a decade now. Where a soldier(s) of the occupying force walks out in the dark of the night and guns down over a dozen people without any rhyme or reason.
4. The country, north of Mexico and south of Canada, was snatched from the Native Indians and was built with the slave labor. The Natives are in dismal condition and the Blacks have a long way to go.
Linn Washington Jr. reminds us:
“In March 1799 authorities in North Carolina found no fault in a teen fatally shooting a black man after confronting that man about his being on a public road.
“In February 2012 authorities in Florida found no fault in a man fatally shooting a black teen after confronting that teen about his being on a public road.”
Last month the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, while unveiling the Slave Labor Commemorative Stone Marker in United States Capitol, said:
“For almost 200 years, the Capitol Building has been known as the ‘Temple of Liberty’.
“But many of the men and women who built the temple never tasted the liberty it promised.
“Countless slaves worked from dawn to dusk, seven days a week, in every kind of weather to raise this building.
“Slaves cut the timber and sawed the planks. They molded and fired the bricks.
“They quarried and cut and hauled the stones that formed the walls of the most enduring symbol of this nation’s democracy.
“They survived blistering heat and bitter winters. They endured snakes and mosquitoes.
“Many worked with rags on their backs and no shoes on their feet.
“Even the statue that adorns the dome was built by a slave – Philip Reid. The name of the statue is ‘Freedom.’
“Today we remember the slaves who built this ‘Temple of Liberty’. Many of them never saw freedom themselves.”
Capitol Building is where the laws benefiting few are passed at the expense of hundreds of millions of people. That is also the place where the most corrupt people on this planet are to be found. Put a few satellites on the Capitol Building, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, State Department, World Bank, IMF, … In short, put as many satellites as you can get over the entire city housing these places.
Once you’re done with this noble work, names of more places will be provided to you.
Obama Hafiz (May Obama protect you.)
B. R. Gowani can be reached at