UCLA attackers exposed: Meet the violent Zionist agitators LA police haven’t arrested


The Grayzone has obtained a dossier detailing the identities of the Zionist hooligans who assaulted UCLA anti-genocide student protesters. It was sent to LA police, but no arrests have been made. And the cops still can’t explain why they disappeared for hours during the mob attack.

On April 30, thirty people were injured when a mob of Zionist hooligans savagely assaulted the pro-Palestine UCLA encampment shortly before midnight. For over three hours, local and campus police stood down as the masked thugs assaulted students, journalists, and even officers of the law with fireworks volleys, pepper spray, and metal pipes. Though multiple attackers have been identified by community members on social media, to date there have been no arrests of pro-Israel goons.

“30,000 motherfuckers. 30,000 and counting.” —pro-Israel supporter

Just an awful thing to say. pic.twitter.com/7r0dpcGuzq

— Film The Police LA (@FilmThePoliceLA) May 1, 2024

The Grayzone has obtained a dossier composed by anonymous sleuths claiming involvement with the UCLA student protests which apparently identifies some of the attack’s perpetrators. The students emailed the document to the UCLA administration and police (UCPD), as well as Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass. It contains detailed information about the identities of those who were filmed carrying out wanton violence.

Los Angeles-area police have arrested droves of students protesting Israel’s US-backed genocide in Gaza, accusing over 40 students and journalists of “conspiracy to commit burglary” for attempting a sit-in on school grounds. Yet local authorities have made a grand total of zero arrests in the coordinated Zionist mob assault against UCLA anti-genocide protesters on April 30. 

The LA Times has reported that local law enforcement is relying on sophisticated facial recognition technology to hunt down the attackers. But as the UCLA sleuths’ dossier makes clear, many assailants have already been identified by matching their identities with social media profiles.

The UCPD and the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department did not respond to questions from The Grayzone about whether the persons identified in the dossier were under investigation, or had been taken into custody.

Alleged attackers listed in the email include:

  • Liel Asherian. Asherian, who uploaded videos directly from the scene of the attack to Facebook, was reportedly seen assaulting pro-Palestine demonstrators with a tennis racket. In an interview with the New York Times, Asherian claimed without offering a shred of evidence that he was called a “dirty Jew” and doused in pepper spray. “That made me start breaking down their barricades,” he stated.

CAMPUS WATCH: Liel Asherian, identified among the group assaulting the @UCLA encampment pic.twitter.com/3qxwHr4EoD

— Stop Arab Hate (@StopArabHate) May 1, 2024

  • Nouri Mehdizadeh. Footage from before and after the attacks show Medizadeh was a constant presence on the periphery of the protest encampment. According to the email from student activists, Mehdizadeh “was involved in planning violence continuously” and UCLA officials were likewise “warned about him continuously.” The email’s author suggested Mehdizadeh’s actions would constitute hate crimes, given that he “referenced a desire to attack those who were not his “Jewish brothers.” A photo of Mehdizadeh taken shortly before the violence erupted indicates he had foreknowledge of the assault and may have helped organize the attack.
Mehdizadeh displays a threat to student activists in the run-up to the attack: “ENJOY TONIGHT!”
  • Later that evening, a masked Mehdizadeh was recorded attempting to destroy barricades while a compatriot with a speaker blasted “Mani Mantera,” a Hebrew-language children’s song that Israeli soldiers have played while torturing and/or taunting captive Palestinians on camera. Despite getting caught red-handed by several security officers — and despite nearly getting into a fistfight with another guard in a separate incident — Mehdizadeh was allowed to remain in the area.
  • Tom Bibiyan. Footage uploaded to social media by Bibiyan himself reveals he personally participated in the April 30 attacks. A day after the assault, Bibiyan published a video on Instagram highlighting his involvement, alongside a caption boasting that “we rushed the terrorist encampment.” When another Instagram user asked Bibiyan to clarify his role in the violence, he bragged, “yeah I’m in this video” – apparently confident that he would face no legal repercussions for his crimes. Bibiyan reportedly spent several years participating in questionable cryptocurrency schemes while part of the Los Angeles NFT community, before being exiled from such groups following accusations of indecent exposure and sexual harassment. A website representing the Bibiyan Family Philanthropic Foundation indicates the family regularly donated to not only vehemently Zionist groups like the zealous and insular Chabad ultra-Orthodox cult, but also to liberal news outlets like Democracy Now.

Violent Zionist thugs wave the flag of the messianic Chabad cult on their way to assaulting anti-genocide protesters at UCLA pic.twitter.com/FNdsLI6Vii

— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) May 1, 2024

  • A man seen waving the “Moshiach” flag of the militant Zionist Chabad organization was identified by students as Rony Yehuda. An instagram account belonging to the virtually-unknown pro-Israeli rapper, @Judah_fire_,  indicates Yehuda is a Los Angeles resident. The email by student organizers said the 35-year-old provocateur has returned to UCLA campus on multiple occasions since the attacks, despite lacking any affiliation with the school — and despite claims by students that they alerted police to the presence of the aggressive outsiders.Among the most prominent cheerleaders of Yehuda’s actions were members of Team Moshiach, a Chabad-affiliated outfit which describes itself as “a global non-profit organization that unites Jews from around the world in acts of goodness and kindness.” In the days following October 7, Team Moshiach spearheaded a campaign to funnel military hardware to the Israeli military, and even uploaded a video to Instagram showing an Israeli soldier personally thanking the group for the equipment.The director of the nearby Chabad House claimed to the NY Times his organization had no role in organizing the attack at UCLA.

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