Elon Musk is a ruthless capitalist whose single goal is profit over people
in July 2020, Musk was the world’s 5th-wealthiest person with $74 billion
at that very same time, he opposed US govt COVID checks of $600 to people
Musk, a filthy rich businessperson, tweeted:
“Another government stimulus package is not in the best interests of the people“
Musk got a Tweet rejoinder:
“You know what wasn’t in the best interest of people? The U.S. government organizing a coup [in November 2019] against Evo Morales in Bolivia so you could obtain the lithium there.”
the gringo, that is Musk, showed his true colors:
for money, US capitalists would go to any extent, even ousting governments
Bolivia is rich in Lithium — an important component for Tesla
Bolivia’s President Evo Morales Ayma was working to better his people’s life
Evo Morales reminded the world with a tweet:
“Elon Musk, the owner of the largest electric car company, says about the coup in Bolivia: ‘We will coup whoever we want.’ Another proof that the coup was about Bolivian lithium; at the cost of two massacres. We will always defend our resources!”
with plenty of money in (billions) and energy, Musk fights on many fronts
ADL criticized Musk for letting white racists and anti-Semites on Tweeter
on September 2023, Musk tweeted:
“To clear our platform’s name on the matter of anti-Semitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League … oh the irony!”
undoubtedly …
there is anti-Semitism and it needs to be condemned
however, for a lobbyist like ADL’s Greenblatt, anti-Semitism is a weapon
a dangerous weapon he and others like him use to silence Israel’s crimes
very powerful Israel Lobby in the US keeps politicians under control
Lawrence Davidson reveals true face of Greenblatt in these words:
“Today, Jonathan Greenblatt can be considered a lobbyist taking direction from the Israeli government.”
in May 2022, Jonathan Greenblatt, the Anti-Defamation League’s CEO said:
“Some will try to delegitimize ADL right out of the box – they will point to the slanderous campaign, Drop the ADL, that uses innuendo and untruths to libel our organization and assert that we somehow are not a civil rights organization. An obvious falsehood, one disproved by more than a century of activism.”
Donna Nevel describes Greenblatt as
“He is a propagandist for the Israeli state, as is the organization he leads, and he chooses his words deliberately; in the way someone does whose job it is to promote Israeli (propaganda).”
Nevel is a Jew, says ADL’s goal is to disgrace Palestinians seeking justice
she’s absolutely right, ADL is a front in the US to cover up Israeli atrocities
AMP (American Muslims for Palestine) Ex Dir Dr. Osama Abuirshaid said
“In a ludicrous and dangerous attempt to conflate anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism, the CEO of the controversial Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, resorted to a series of lies, deceptions, falsification of facts, and attempts to rewrite history,”
Elsa Auerbach, Sara Roy, & Eve Spangler also took issue with Greenblatt
all three are the daughters of Holocaust survivors and refugees
they first quote an excerpt from Greenblatt‘s speech
“Antizionism as an ideology is rooted in rage. It is predicated on one concept: the negation of another people, a concept as alien to the modern discourse as white supremacy.”
then they show the twisted divisiveness in Goldblatt’s words
“Hence, in Mr. Greenblatt’s view, those of us—progressive Jews and others— who speak critically of Israeli policy, in defense of Palestinian human rights, and equality between Jews and Palestinians are antizionists and hence, antisemites and extremists, as evil in our intent and impact as white supremacists. If ever an argument existed that undermines the fight against antisemitism, it is this one with its false assertions, false equivalencies, and forced division within the Jewish community, and between Jews and other progressive groups.”
neither ADL nor Musk deserves any sympathy
if both cancel each other in this fight,
then that may be a good omen for many …
B. R. Gowani can be reached at