Imran Khan’s “Naya Pakistan”envisioned


Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan PHOTO/Getty Images/Duck Duck Go

one of Imran Khan’s pet slogans is “Naya Pakistan” or New Pakistan

i.e., “Islamic welfare state” modeled on early Riyasat-i-Madina

but these are mere slogans which Khan has no intention of implementing

former premier of Pakistan, now opposition leader, Imran Khan said:

[I am] waging a fight for ‘haqeeqi azadi‘ (real freedom), which will continue during heatwaves, floods and even wars.”

1/3 of Pakistan is under water but Khan can’t keep his mind off politics

he refused to start a donation drive for flood victims

the reason: he had to collect money for other institutions

Shaukat Khanum Hospital, NUML University, and Al-Qadir University

if the entire Pakistan gets drowned

nothing will survive; then there won’t be any need for money

probably this is what Khan has envisioned as his “Naya Pakistan”

a washed out Pakistan ….

physicist Pervez Hoodbhoy reminds us regarding

the population of early Riyasat-i-Madina:

“The combined population of Makkah and Madina was less than Kharadar’s, a typical Karachi neighbourhood.”

the population of Pakistan today is approximately 230,803,068

the fury of floods will leave Pakistan with the population of Kharadar

then Khan will be able to turn the surviving Pakistanis into true Muslims

that is, whatever interpretation of Islam suits him then …

this egotistic narcissist‘s priorities are really screwed up

his supporters need to wake up to … this reality

B. R. Gowani can be reached at

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