Trump is “100% right”


Donald Trump, one of the Republican Party presidential candidates PHOTO/Washington Post

The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump claimed he saw thousands of Muslims in Jersey City, New Jersey express their happiness by cheering over destruction of the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001.

When Trump was told that no such incident took place, and when questioned about accuracy of his claim, he countered:

“I saw it. So many people saw it.” “Why wouldn’t it [the celebrations] have taken place?” “So, why would I take it [my claim] back? I’m not going to take it back.” “I’ve had hundreds of people call in and tweet in on Twitter, saying that they saw it and I was 100 percent right.”

“I have a very good memory, I’ll tell you.” “I saw it somewhere on television many years ago. And I never forgot it.”

Let us examine the reality of Trump’s claim.

The total Muslim Population of Jersey City is approximately 10,000 (including adults, children, and elders.) He says there were thousands and thousands of Muslims. So, it means all of them were out on the streets celebrating.

It behooves us to think if on that day the Jersey City police had taken a day off and had decided to enjoy by joining the Muslims in the festivities.

(The then President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, their spouses, and other officials couldn’t attend the celebration because they were hiding somewhere in bunkers.)

Maybe then in the evening, at the special invitation of Trump, all the Muslims living in Jersey City were flown to Atlantic City and driven in limousines from the airport to Trump’s casino Trump Taj Mahal where they were entertained with strip tease dances and served pork and beer. (All expenses paid by Trump.)

There is a popular joke:

“Who wrote the Bible?”
“God wrote the Bible.”
“How do you know?”
“It’s written in the Bible.”

This is true of all religious scriptures.

And it is also true of the TRUTH Donald Trump utters.

How do you know the Muslims were cheering on 9/11? Because Trump says so.

Some in the news media are baffled over Trump’s consistent lead over the other GOP candidates for the last four months.

There is nothing to be surprised at Trump’s lead. There has always been a huge segment of US population that has always harbored racism against minorities; however, most of them have not displayed it openly. Thanks to psychologist Trump, and through his open racism and dangerous utterances, he has helped many racists to come out of the closet. This open racism is very good for the minorities and progressives because now that the true situation is in the open, they can think what they could do to tackle it.

It’s highly improbable Trump will win the Republican Party nomination. In July I had written:

“No candidate who is seriously thinking of capturing the highest office can be so careless and heartless. For Trump, this presidential bid is a venue to vent out his hatred and then, probably, to lend his support to a covertly racist Republican candidate who has a better chance against a Democratic Party candidate, most probably Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

Muslims cheering and celebrating on 9/11? And no one stopped them? Where were the patriots, and so-called patriots? Where was the news media? Is it even possible to keep this hidden from the over enthusiastic media who always report exhaustively on the smallest of details to the people? The news of Muslims celebrating the attacks would have garnered the highest TV ratings. It is inconceivable that such news and ratings would be passed up and not been reported. People have been served crap for so long that now they have become immune to the Trump shit.

Trump has been born white in a white majority country (built on slave labor on land stolen from the Native Americans; and now maintained on labor and resources of other countries, and on overt and covert wars against its own people and against other countries. Lucky for Trump, his country, the United States, had become a Super Power by dropping atom bombs on Japanese cities just a year before his birth. That is why Trump is so ignorant of how a minority feels, fears, and trembles especially after such an event in fear of consequences. He does not know what racism really is. Minorities (all over the world) know very well that even as the majority has the right to fuck up the country, the minority is required to show over-patriotic gestures: to always carry the flag and wave it, etc. in order to survive; because a country is always considered the property of the majority, whereas, the minority is at the mercy of the majority. (Sometimes it does happen that certain minorities enjoy majority rights: Punjabis in pre-Bangladesh Pakistan; Brahmins in India; Jews in the US; and whites in Apartheid South Africa. Nowadays, globally, it’s the billionaires – 80 of the richest ones control as much wealth as 3,600,000,000, i.e., 3.6 billion people. (35 of the 80 are from the Unites States – who are doing real well.)

In one of his Urdu short stories, South Asian writer Rajinder Singh Bedi wrote:

“Prostitute is the woman who saves the honor of neighborhood’s mothers and sisters.”

This analogy applies to the US. It’s the heads of “foreign enemies” that have saved the heads of the foreigners in the US.

Until now the Rambo segment of the US populace has always used “foreign enemies” to vent anger, hate, and bitterness. The “foreign outlets” are still available but now it seems the overly patriotic and ultra nationalist segment will have an additional outlet at home to vent out their hatred on domestic targets, as more Republican Party candidates try to imitate Trump’s bigoted election strategy.

B. R. Gowani can be reached at