Narcissus was a character
in Greek mythology
who so loved his own self
that Nemesis, the spirit of divine retribution,
enticed him to a pool
where Narcissus saw his own reflection
and drowned
he was much like
Trump who loves his own self,
more than everything else,
and so joined the two year old birther crap,
(started by some Republicans that raise doubt on
whether Obama was born in the US),
with loud mouth attention grabbing filth
he is famous for
like a person sitting on a tree branch
cutting it from the wrong side
Trump hit the ax on his own branch
Obama should have played Trump’s nemesis
by delaying the presentation of the birth certificate
making this racist lose credibility and possibly
preventing declaration of Trump candidacy in June
but on second thought,
this idiot is the right candidate
for Obama to compete in 2012
(Obama’s birthplace Hawaii
was annexed by the US in 1898.
Trump should now declare
that Hawaii is not part of the US
thus making those Hawaiians happy
who prefer independence)
B. R. Gowani can be reached at