A cure for devastated Michelle


“Michelle Obama said she was ‘exhausted and frustrated’ by the trauma of black people in the US.” PHOTO/Vincent Thian/AP/The Guardian

on August 23, 2020, Jacob Blake, a black person, was murdered by police

the name of the state: Wisconsin and the name of the city is Kenosha

however, it could have been any city, in any state, because

in every state of the United States, police kill members of minorities

to most eyes, this was a case of blatant racism – no two opinions on this

given the circumstances and the video on tv seen by millions.

three days later tennis player Naomi Osaka tweeted:

“… However, before I am a athlete, I am a black woman. … I don’t expect anything drastic to happen with me not playing, but if I can get a conversation started in a majority white sport I consider that a step in the right direction. Watching the continued genocide of Black people at the hand of the police is honestly making me sick to my stomach. I’m exhausted of having a new hashtag pop up every few days and I’m extremely tired of having this same conversation over and over again. When will it ever be enough?”

Osaka’s is a brave move to call the police murders – a genocide

after five days, former First Lady Michelle Obama spoke harshly

I’m just devastated by the shootings in Kenosha. First, the seven shots from a police officer’s gun at Jacob Blake’s back as his children looked on. Then, two nights later, the bullets that killed two protestors, with a young man only 17 years old arrested and charged with homicide.”

“These past few months, I’ve been thinking a lot about what our kids are seeing every day in this country—the lack of empathy, the division stoked in times of crisis, the age-old and systemic racism that’s been so prominent this summer. Sometimes they see it on the news. Sometimes they see it from the White House Rose Garden,”

“These protests and actions will not make Jacob Blake walk again. They will not erase the trauma from those children. And they will not bring back anyone who’s been taken from us. But they will do something. They already are – opening eyes, rattling consciences and reminding people of all backgrounds that this problem wasn’t solved earlier this summer and it won’t be any time soon unless we all make a change.”

How do we stop this genocide?

What will bring about meaningful change?

it has been shown from the blood stained pages of history:

not much changes, unless the big corporations and business are disrupted

(the Apartheid rule denied black people entry in white churches

but white South African businesses didn’t mind selling things to them)

Michelle Obama should encourage people to boycott big businesses

Apple, Microsoft, Walmart, Tesla, J. P Morgan and others

including social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

she should ask black leaders, celebrities, players, and others to join

the Democratic Party leaders should be asked to join too

nobody buys anything from these companies

nor would people visit social media

these moves would bring almost instant changes

when money is disrupted, bug business will join in the fight

the boycott will also immediately stop these companies funding police

further they will change the employee makeup with 50/50

that is, 50% colored people and 50% whites employed

yes, the white ratio in the United States is 70%

but to raise the status and morale of the downtrodden colored people,

this is necessary, because until there is equality,

a huge segment of population will remain tyrannized …

B.R. Gowani can be reached at brgowani@hotmail.com