Trump possessed .. and his cult followers


PHOTO/Happy Atheist Forum/Duck Duck Go

Trump is a soul possessed …

possessed and consumed by a 2020 election victory

victory is only possible by continuing to stir his base with lies

lies that are small, medium, big, humongous, nasty, outrageous

outrageous are his manners, style, tweets, fraternity and friends

friends and fraternity, the rich have benefited a lot with his policies

policies that have not benefited to most of his common supporters

supporters whose votes are crucial for him to keep the White House

White House makes him the world’s most powerful man … yes

yes, he uses his position to enrich himself and his-family

his-family is involved in businesses in India, Indonesia … and China

China tariffs causing great misery to poor and his white admirers

admirers are under the spell of their cult leader Donald Trump

Trump has nothing for them except big promises & patriotic piss

B. R. Gowani can be reached at

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