Yemen: Ten myths about Saudi war of aggression debunked


Why is Yemen not being described as a Holocaust. Why are the western governments and media refusing to use the H word when they use it so liberally to demonise target governnments or nations? Even Bana Alabed used it in her Tweets that were written for her by her mother, with western PR agencies as the “hidden hand”.

Former US Represenative at the UN in New York, Samantha Power, employed the H word regarding #Aleppo where US backed terrorists were the ones carrying out atrocities against Syrian civilians. Cynical use of the word to reinforce the US’ own whitewash of terrorism in Syria.

The same degree of terrorism is happening in Yemen, only now the H word is not employed because the US coalition wants to whitewash the daily war crimes committed by the Saudi coalition, supported & endorsed by the US, EU, UK and UN.

Call it what it is! Yemen is a Holocaust and it is being committed by our regimes in the west who are fully cognizant of their own criminality & that of their client state coalition which has been waging a genocidal war of aggression and attrition against the Yemeni people for more than 1000 days.

The following report from Randi Nord of Geopolitical Alerts debunks 10 of the mainstay myths that are being promulgated by the colonial media in the west to muddy the waters on Yemen and distract from the Saudi coalition ethnic cleansing-project reality:

1: Not A Civil War

A civil war would indicate that Yemenis are fighting other Yemenis for control. This in itself is wrong.

Yemen’s resistance (which includes Ansarullah, the Republican Guard, and others) is currently fighting Saudi-backed mercenaries on the ground. This includes many Sudanese and U.A.E. soldiers as well as privately-hired Blackwater mercenaries.

It can’t be a civil war because Saudi Arabia and their allies are an invading force occupying Yemen shipping in foreign fighters.

2: Not a Proxy War

Well, on the one hand, it is a proxy war, but the only proxies are the ones backed by Saudi Arabia and their allies.

Yemen’s resistance does not receive outside support and is not fighting for any foreign power– they simply want to self-determine and control Yemen free of foreign interference.

For the conflict in Yemen to be a proxy war, another foreign power would have to be manipulating Yemen’s resistance and this simply isn’t the case. (More on that later.)

3: Not a Sunni vs Shia Conflict

If any news outlet boils the war in Yemen (or any war, really) down to a mere Sunni-Shia conflict, you should immediately stop reading that outlet.

This argument, first of all, ignores all other factors and power structures boiling a conflict down to mere religious differences. It’s just plain ignorant.

Yes, Yemen’s Ansarullah movement was founded by Zaydi Shia Muslims. But it includes fighters and politicians from several sects and religions who simply don’t want foreign powers controlling their country. Plus, calling Saudi Arabia Sunni while ignoring their intolerant and violent Wahhabi ideology is a disgrace to all peaceful Sunni Muslims.

4: Saudi Arabia has Always Wanted Political and Economic Control of Yemen

A look back at the last century of Arabian history tells you all you need to know about the Saudi’s intentions in Yemen.

During Yemen’s 1962 revolution, Saudi Arabia supported the Royalists fighting to keep Yemen an Imamate. They knew that an independent Yemen would turn into a strong country– just south of their border– which would become a competitor.

Even back then, a Shia-led Imamate was preferable to a Yemeni republic from the Saudi’s perspective. Yemen is still the only republic on the Arabian peninsula.

Such is still the case today: Saudi Arabia cannot stand to see a pluralist, economically-viable, independent republic on the Arabian Peninsula.

5: The Houthis (Ansarullah) are NOT an Iranian Militia

The Saudi’s behavior in Yemen is genuinely gruesome and repulsive. How can the United States and their friends in Europe possibly justify militarily supporting this war of terror?

Ah yes, Iran, of course. Unfortunately for the imperialists, there isn’t evidence to back this accusation.

In fact, all of their “Iranian influence” claims end up leading to dead-ends such as ambiguous boats in the gulf or unidentified smuggling routes via Kuwait.

Not only do Ansarullah, Yemen’s resistance, and Iran all deny a relationship, but there isn’t evidence to suggest they have one.

Yemen’s Supreme Revolutionary Committee based in the capital Sana’a has the equipment to manufacture and develop their own weapons.The former President Saleh was a previous U.S. ally who received significant military aid during the early “War on Terror” years.

So there’s no shortage of weapons in Yemen. And has the media forgotten the Saudi-imposed land, sea, and air blockade?

6: Al Qaeda is a De Facto US Ally in Yemen

21st Century Wire for more

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