Corporate madrassas


IMAGE/The Next Web

how do you indoctrinate the most?
by keeping them within the confines of your institutions the most
(i.e., those whom you want to brainwash),
by teaching them the history/ideology/values you think is correct

this tactic is followed by religious institutions
whether it is Islamic madrassas, Hindu bal mandirs,
Accelerated Christian Education, or Jewish schools

politicians do the same but differently
they constantly bombard their supporters with
promises, and more promises
then lies, and more lies

giant multinational/transnational corporations are not behind
they follow the madrassa style
by holding their employees within the confines of their premises
and providing them free/unlimited breakfasts, lunches, dinners

people working at Google are called “Googlers”
they get free haircut, onsite doctors etc.
because Google wants Googlers to
“remain happy and healthy in all aspects of their lives”
it also offers daycare service called Kinderplex
where parents have to pay a high price

if a Googler dies
the spouse gets 50% of the pay for a decade
and children get some benefit too

Facebook has a plan for a housing community
near its Menlo Park campus
with a bicycle repair shop, pub, a doggy day care, and so on

many of the giant corporations are offering
more or less similar kind of perks

how will the people working in such an environment
be affected psychologically?
when people working at these corporations
are cutoff from the rest of the world
because they won’t be seeing different people at meal times
but their co-workers
they won’t meet different parents at day care centers
but the fellow workers and their spouses

no diversity, no plurality

what should we call the children raised at these day care centers?
“Googlets” ”

B. R. Gowani can be reached at