‘Islamic’ chair cover gets Iranian activist in trouble


A prominent Iranian human rights lawyer and women’s rights activist has created a controversy by posting a picture on social media that shows her sitting on a chair with Islamic motifs while holding a glass of wine.

The chair in the photo of Shadi Sadr is covered with a material used in Iran for events marking the Ashura, the martyrdom of Imam Hossein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. It is a work by Iranian artist Parastou Forouhar, whose parents were among intellectuals and political activists killed in the late 1990s by Intelligence Ministry agents.

Hard-line conservative Iranian media, including state-controlled television and the Fars news agency, which is affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), accused Sadr of insulting Islamic sanctities and disrespecting Islamic values.

Sadr, one of many activists and intellectuals who had to flee Iran to escape imprisonment in a crackdown after the 2009 presidential elections, told RFE/RL that the photo was not insulting and that she posted the photo to highlight the plight of nonbelievers in Iran.

“Shadi Sadr, the fugitive feminist and a so-called journalist who supports women’s rights, has entered her pro-Western orientation into a new phase: insulting values and the holiest of the holy symbols of the Iranian nation; the symbol of the mourning for [Imam Hossein],” a state television report said.

Fars called Sadr’s picture “an excuse to insult religious sanctity,” while accusing her of questioning Islamic principles for years.

The news agency posted a statement by “a group of professors and law experts” calling for Sadr’s extradition, trial, and punishment over what it said was her “antireligious” move.

The statement said that according to Islamic penal law, those convicted of insulting sanctity and holy figures can be either sentenced to death or to one to five years in prison.

Sadr told RFE/RL that she posted the photo on social media to highlight what she saw an as “interesting contrast.”

“I was sitting [with friends] and discussing Ashura practices and our memories and experiences from childhood when I realized the contrast between the [chair] I was sitting on, the material on it, and myself with that glass in hand. I asked someone who was there to take my picture,” she said in a telephone interview from London, where she is based.

“I thought there’s an interesting contrast in the picture where a woman without the hijab and full of joy is sitting on that chair. It represents the many freedoms those who are not believers have been deprived of in Iran in the name of [religion]. That’s all,” she added.

Sadr dismissed allegations that her picture was an insult to Islamic sanctity.

“As someone born in a Shi’a family, I think I’m familiar enough with that culture to know that there is nothing insulting in that picture,” she said.

Women Living Under Muslim Laws for more