Push for an exit strategy in Afghanistan

The President just announced his plan to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. Whether you agree or disagree with his plan, we all know that we need to bring our troops home quickly and safely.

That’s why I signed a petition urging Congress to push for a binding timeline and to keep the President to his word that our commitment won’t be open-ended. Will you join me at the link below?


I urge you to please consider it.Just imagine how Congress pinch at every penny when it comes to our healthcare, education, job creation. But not a word when it comes to war! 30,000 is just the beginning! In a pinned down insurgency, demand for troops will keep rising, so will demand for supplementary war budgets. Remember Vietnam! Do we want President Obama’s domestic agenda to be overshadowed by this war whose outcome is as good as rolling the dice! Please sign the petition.

(Submitted by Omar Huda)