Urdu Annual publication of Wisconsin University

Dear friends,

Two weeks ago, Prof. Muhammad Umar Memon of the University of Wisconsin called me and described the financial crisis regarding his publication “The Annual Urdu Studies”. Prof. Memon is publishing this Annual for the last 20 years. It is a research journal and takes a lot of sweat, blood, and sleepless nights publishing. So far, it has received grants from the University of Wisconsin and from another organization. However, in the present economic condition of the USA, even academic institutions are feeling the pressure. As a result, financial assistance will no longer be available to “The Annual of Urdu Studies” and it is threatened with closure.

Please click this link to read “The Annual of Urdu Studies” www.urdustudies.com

“The Annual of Urdu Studies” is a laborious task; it takes one whole year preparing. On financial side, it needs $20,000 a year to stay afloat, of which $15,000 goes towards the salary of a part time employee. Wisconsin University has provided free office and other facilities for this annual magazine but does not pay the employee’s salary. If Prof. Memon is unable to raise the required funds, shortly this valuable journal will have to fold. Prof. Memon is extremely worried; he is heart broken seeing that this great “Urdu Studies” might close.

The magazine is a scholarly publication. Money generated from subscriptions is too small to pay even for its running expenses. Annual subscription for this yearly publication is only $18 plus shipping and handling. At present, there are not very many subscribers. Please know that professor Memon is working entirely free for his love of Urdu and its literary culture. I have read this annual. I love it. So please support it by contributing whatever you can. Please also send your annual subscription of $25 (USA), $35 (overseas) that will include shipping and handling. I am sending following details received from Prof. Memon.

Donation Checks:

Please make your donation payable to “The University of Wisconsin/Board of Regents” Any big/small donation is welcome.

Subscription Checks:

Please make your checks for annual subscription to the journal ($25 for USA; $35 for overseas, inclusive of shipping and handling) payable to “The Annual of Urdu Studies” and mail it to my address. Once I have collected enough amounts, I will mail it to Prof. Memon who will then submit it to the University.

Asghar Vasanwala
20754 Tulip Circle
Yorba Linda, CA 92887
(714) 777-6675

Or if you prefer, you may send your checks directly to:

Muhammad Umar Memon
Professor Emeritus
Dept. of Languages & Cultures of Asia
University of Wisconsin
1220 Linden Drive
Madison, Wisconsin 53706

(Submitted by Asghar Vasanwala and other readers)