Lord Agni: “Where’s my beef?”


Lord Agni, God of Fire (energy) IMAGE/Wikipedia

Like Lord Mahavir, Lord Buddha, Lord Indra, Lord Agni ate meat too. He loved meat of cows and oxens.

Lord Agni was passing through Gujarat on September 27, 2015. He felt hungry and wanted to eat beef. He was told that beef is banned in Gujarat. Agni was shocked! He said to himself:

“What has happened to the people of Gujarat? Have they gone crazy? They have banned such a delicious food, and that also, a favorite food of one of their Lords?”

Same day, he went to the neighboring state of Maharashtra but encountered a similar situation. In no time, he then went to Andhra Pradesh where he ended up in a small town of Dadri. He demanded to eat beef and so some of his fanatic devotees promised him to fulfill his wish. They attacked the home of a non-Hindu family. They ransacked the place, killed the home owner, injured his mother, seriously hurt his son, and stole the meat from the refrigerator and presented it to Lord Agni.

Devotees (in unison):

Deva, very humbly, we present to you your favorite dish, please accept it from us as a form of worship!”

Agni was pleased. He sat down to eat while the fanatics, which included someone named Lord Grocer too, watched Agni in awe. Lord took one bite and immediately spat out with such intensity that the piece of beef unraveled itself into millions of thread-like pieces landing on the faces of the devotees.


“You fools! Where’s my beef? Can’t you distinguish between cow meat and sheep meat? This is mutton, not beef. Go and get some beef for me. Hurry up! Quick!”

B. R. Gowani can be reached at brgowani@hotmail.com