Women’s development core component of economic growth


Women’s access to economic and financial resources is critical not only for the achievement of gender equality, but also for sustainable economic development.

Sewing workshop

That is the focus of the 2009 World Survey on the Role of Women in Development. Lead author Naila Kabeer says when women do well, the economy does well, but the reverse is not always true.

“Cross-country studies, studies over time all show that gender equality contributes to economic growth – equality in education and equality in labour force participation. But there are reasons for concern, and that is economic growth does not seem to have quite the same positive impacts on gender equality.”

Ms. Kabeer points to the slow pace in lowering maternal mortality as an indicator that countries are not investing enough of their wealth in women’s health and well-being. The study calls for expanding women’s access to credit and other financial services. It also recommends that countries make gender equality in employment a core component of their national development strategies.

Bissera Kostova, UN Radio.

(duration: 1’08”)