British spy agency, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), building in Cheltenham PHOTO/Skyscan/Corbis/Wired
So many hacks, so few days in the week to write alarming stories about every one. Here’s our roundup of what you have may missed this week.
First, some news: a shocking revelation that the GCHQ, England’s spy organization, has been spying on Amnesty International. This is ironic, considering the UK government is party to the Wassenaar Agreement, which explicitly forbids regimes from spying on human rights groups.
The MIT media lab, along with two bitcoin entrepreneurs, revealed a prototype for Enigma, a system designed to encrypt data that can be shared with untrusted computers to run computations without being decrypted.
Researcher Ben Caudill will unveil a hardware proxy at DefCon designed to move you up to two and a half miles away from your IP address using a radio connection.
In movie news, a mysterious teaser trailer has finally been released for Snowden, the Oliver Stone-directed flick about the whistleblower and former NSA contractor.
And you may have noticed a slight anomaly: Tuesday’s leap second caused some sporadic outages across the Internet just after midnight.
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