Miko Peled, the General’s son


Miko Peled’s grandfather was a signer on Israel’s Declaration of Independence, and his father was General Matti Peled, one of the Zionists who planned and executed Israel’s most definitive military victories in 1948 and 1967. In the following interview with Alternate Focus Peled talks about his book The General’s Son, from his evolution as an Israeli that was raised on the Zionist ideal of a Jewish state to his reality today. Miko’s words speak truth to empower.

I know how hard it is for many Jews and Palestinians to let go of the dream of having a state that is exclusively “our own.” ..For the good of both nations, the Separation Wall must come down, the Israeli control over the lives of Palestinians must be defied so that a secular democracy where all Israelis and Palestinian live as equals be established in our shared homeland.

This is a powerful interview. View it, share it. And for those of you with hardcore Zionist relatives please pass it on.

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(Thanks to Al Karim Amersi)