Cheap Secret Service pencils


Luxury retreat: The 11 recalled Secret Service Agents were staying at the Hotel Caribe in Cartagena, Colombia. PHOTO/The Daily Mail

11 Secret Service pencils and 10 pencils
from the military, navy, marine, and air force
were in Colombia
to prepare for the security of
the most powerful creature on this planet

they were partying and drinking, while boasting:
“we work for…” the strongest creature
and “we’re here to protect him.”

as usual, they wanted to be as sharp as pricks
so were looking for professional sharpeners
(it’s a different matter, that back home
most of them have, at least, one sweetheart)

the Hotel Caribe in Cartagena
where they were staying was very accommodating too
but visitors had to be out by 7 am!
(professional sharpeners are legally permitted in Cartagena)

the US pencils found 20 Colombian sharpeners
who fulfilled their wildest fantasies
payment was made, not much, and sharpeners left
except one, who was fighting for her service fees
(that sharpener had sharpened 2 pencils)
but the 2 pencils thought about $50 was too much

without leaving the comfort of the room
the pencils were given a tour of paradise
but they thought the amount was too much
what cheap Secret Service pencils!

(many in the US are surprised
as if this is something new)

B. R. Gowani can be reached at