October 2011
Imran Khan enjoyed
a gathering of over 100,000 people, and
his acceptability as a politician
men, women, children, teenagers, seniors
all were there to show their support
and express their disgust towards other politicians
after an introduction
the man of the moment appeared
he had his moderate mask on
talked about other politicians’ corruption
and how he’ll fight against that disease
meanwhile, a muezzin of a nearby mosque
got into competition with him
by calling faithfuls to a prayer
Khan interrupted his speech
and prayed, all alone, on stage
while he prayed
the people were enjoying the outing
2013 is when the next elections are scheduled
possibility is that it can take place in 2012
if the next elections are held on time
if Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
or PTI Party gains a majority
if Pakistan’s Army allows him
to form a new government
if the opposition parties are not out
on the streets claiming vote-rigging
if he tones down his criticism of the US,
(to the level permitted by the US)
if Allah is willing
then he’ll be the next prime minister
once he is the prime minister
then those 100,000 people
plus most of the population
will be forced to pray by the
Department for the Propagation of Virtue
and the Prevention of Vice
while Imran will be on an outing
of Saudi Arabia
it’s amazing that a couple of things happened
and a couple of things didn’t happen:
there were songs and music;
a great many women and girls were present;
there were no bomb blasts;
the crowd was not criticized for not offering prayers;
does he have the support of those
who hold the real power in Pakistan?
B. R. Gowani can be reached at