Resources, choices hinder women in science, researchers find


Un­e­qual ac­cess to re­sources and gen­der-linked lifestyle choices may be to blame for the cur­rent un­der­rep­re­senta­t­ion of wom­en in sci­ence, re­search­ers say.

Ste­phen Ceci and Wendy Wil­liams of Cor­nell Uni­vers­ity in Ith­a­ca, N.Y. re­viewed 20 years of pre­vi­ously gen­er­at­ed da­ta on gen­der dis­crimina­t­ion and the state of wom­en in sci­ence. They con­clud­ed that pro­grams to fight dis­crimina­t­ion in the work­place seem to have suc­ceeded, and that oth­er fac­tors probably ex­plain to­day’s paucity of wom­en in math-intensive fields.

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