Les Liens Invisibles wants to inform everyone that on Dec. 16th, Facebook inc., after it has blocked any attempt of seppukoo from this website and has blocked/deleted all seppukoo.com information into the whole facebook network, has now threatened legal action against us in order to stop the suicide pandemic.
Curiously, Facebook lawyers appeal to the user right to privacy to annihilate our facebook unsubscribe service.
The Seppukoo.com staff rejects every false pretence about phishing or malicious use of personal datas and publicly invites Facebook’s developers to meet us and see in first person what kind of informations we save and how we care of them.
Les Liens Invisibles is now considering all the possibilities to come back ASAP. Thanks to all the people who are supporting us in this moment.
Read the full cease & desist from Facebook.
Updates (Dec. 22nd): “The “Les liens invisibles” group will delete all of the information on the www.seppukoo.com website only if the owners of such information request it, but not if facebook does so.”
Read the full reply.
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