The World Emperor suffers from spectrophobia


Suited booted
civilized manner
gentle smile
leader of the free world
charitable nature
wishing good for the world
concerned about global welfare
extended hands with aid
soft spoken
ethically sound
morally profound
propagating all good things:
human rights
freedom of speech
freedom of the press

people familiar with the Empire’s realities
kept on showing the mirror
annoying the Emperor

then one day
came Julian Assange
with a huge mirror
and the mirror
encircled the Emperor
it was a mirrorama

lo and behold!
what did the Emperor saw?
a horrorama

the Emperor saw himself naked
very uncivilized
with a frightening frown
leading a pack of dictators
stealing everywhere
with an evil design on the world
concerned with the wealthfare of the powerful
the bloodied hands were out to snatch and to sell weapons
foul language
ethically corrupt
morally bankrupt
spreading flagitious things:
killing democracy
supporting police rights
silencing those who spoke truth
imposing censorship

when the Emperor wants anyone arrested or eliminated
plenty of reasons/excuses are at disposal

two women,
probably US and Israeli agents, accused Assange
of performing holy pilgrimage with uncovered head

Assange is under British police custody
Jemima Khan, Ken Loch, John Pilger, and others
offered to bail him out
but the judge thinks Assange will disappear!
even tho it is Assange himself
who surrendered to the police

the British puppy follows the Emperor

The same Britain let former tyrant Pinochet
slip out of the country
ignoring the arrest warrant by the Spanish court

Assange’s crime?
removing a dark burqa from the dark deeds of the US
but to the Empire
his crime is intolerable
it is much more heinous
than the combined crimes of the Empire itself

the blood-thirsty wolves in the US
are trying to get Assange
via Sweden
so that the United States Attorney General
can use all the tools at his disposal

B. R. Gowani can be reached at