The censor board, to be fair, is known to be a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, merrily releasing graphically violent local films whose vulgar depictions of sexuality would shame the Marquis of Sade, while banning ‘The Da Vinci Code’ (due to Pakistan’s profound respect for its Christian minority, often expressed by denuding them of all their rights and massacring them in their homes). As such, TBL’s falling foul of Pakistan’s censors is imminently un-newsworthy in itself; it is the unprecedented reasoning for the ban, however, which sets alarm bells ringing. TBL isn’t being banned for the usual reasons — that it’s injurious to the national image or because it might encourage young people to have sex or an independent thought, nor because it’s an Indian film and the rallying cry of the post-Partition subcontinent has long been ‘loathe thy neighbour’; it’s being banned for fear of reprisal from those whose sentiments will be wounded by a frivolous film referencing bin Laden.
The Times of India for more
(Submitted by Robin Khundkar)