June 16 was not just an isolated spontaneous revolt. It was a volcanic eruption that was preceded by years of mass mobilisation of the masses under the tight grip of the radical philosophy of Black Consciousness (BC). Unlike the African National Congress (ANC) that was inclined to run with their tails between their legs to the British Queen complaining about the mischief of the Boers, the BCM grabbed the approach that no amount of moral lecturing would change the attitudes of the stone-hearted white settlers. The only available option was to fight. Isn’t it ironic that the ANC-chosen mediator was the same Britain that excluded the rightful owners of the land and decided to place the rule of the land on the greedy lap of the white minority? This they did not do before they had ‘laid their sponges flat on the ground to suck the wealth of Africa my beginning, Africa my ending’. Those of us that have been forced to drink the poison of Bantu education cannot forget the narrations of the so-called Anglo-Boer War, which led to the so-called Union of South Africa in 1910. Does it imply any political bankruptcy that the ANC-led government recently celebrated a 100th anniversary of the union of foreigners to plunder our resources?
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