Greeks protest against IMF austerity measures. PHOTO/Huffington Post
“People have dishes,
But nothing to eat:
They’re demanding food”
“Take away the dishes”
“Without the utensils,
They’ll gradually get used to
Having no food.”
“People have clothes
But no detergent”
“Take away the clothes
then, they will not need the detergent”
“But then they’ll be naked …”
“People who can’t afford detergent
Don’t deserve clothes”
“People are dying
Medications are too expensive”
“No problem, only the fittest need survive.
Besides, they’re of no use …
To the economy”
One of the guys
Listening to this conversation
Asked his friend:
“Who are these IMF and WB?”
The friend replied:
International Misery Fomenters and
World Baddies
Someone nearby shouted:
“International Mother ——- and
World Bug—-
B. R. Gowani can be reached at