Thomas Jefferson to William Smith

Paris Nov. 13. 1787.
…persevering lying. the British ministry have so long hired their gazetteers to repeat and model into every form lies about our being in anarchy, that the world has at length believed them, the English nation has believed them, the ministers themselves have come to believe them, & what is more wonderful, we have believed them ourselves. yet where does this anarchy exist? where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusets? and can history produce an instance of a rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it’s motives. they were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. god forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. the people cannot be all, & always, well informed. the past which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive; if they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. we have had 13. states independant 11. years. there has been one rebellion. that comes to one rebellion in a century & a half for each state. what country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure. our Convention has been too much impressed by. . .


What is Cloning?


Have you ever wished you could have a clone of yourself to do homework while you hit the skate park or went out with your friends?

Imagine if you could really do that. Where would you start?
What exactly is cloning?

Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. This means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two!

You might not believe it, but there are human clones among us right now. They weren’t made in a lab, though: they’re identical twins, created naturally. Below, we’ll see how natural identical twins relate to modern cloning technologies.
How is cloning done?

You may have first heard of cloning when Dolly the Sheep showed up on the scene in 1997. Cloning technologies have been around for much longer than Dolly, though.

How does one go about making an exact genetic copy of an organism? There are a couple of ways to do this: artificial embryo twinning and somatic cell nuclear transfer. How do these processes differ?


by Professor Sarojini Sahoo

Sexuality may well be the most rewarding bliss of all possible experiences that life can offer between two people passionately attracted to each other. The union it produces between men and women in love is so close and so complete that two finite individuals can interrelate almost as if they were one indivisible being. It involves not only physical but also psychological, spiritual, and somehow anthropological and social aspects. It is related to reproduction.

But because it does involve reproduction and transfer of genes, society has always tried to grip it under its control, denying any need of its other aspects. Even, anthropological theories are denied by the social gurus. Society or religion (I am unable to differentiate them) articulates its own definition of sex as all sexual activity ought to be potentially reproductive, that marriage must last forever, and that women must be subject to men. (Aquinas, Thomas, On the Truth of the Catholic Faith, Book 3 ”Providence,” Trans. Vernon J. Bourke, Doubleday, New York, 1967)

‘Dharma’ in Hinduism is different from the Western concept of religion. It is a code related to moral nature. There is a very negligible difference between this ‘dharma’ and ‘spiritualism’ whereas in the Western concept, ‘religion’ and ‘spiritualism’ are two different concepts. So society or religion always plays a role to suppress the sexuality and as the patriarchal dominance is more on these fields, questions about the morality and the politics of sex are usually considered in isolation from issues about gender and erotic sex.

But in spiritualism, it is related to an individual’s understanding for salvation and freedom. For Hindu spiritualism sexuality is represented as ‘kama’. It is one of the four necessities, four aims of life: Dharma, Artha (material goods), Kama and Moksha (liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth)

Kama is defined as the enjoyment of appropriate objects by the five senses of hearing, feeling, seeing, tasting and smelling, assisted by the mind together with the soul. The ingredient in this is a peculiar contact between the organ of sense and its object, and the consciousness of pleasure which arises from that contact. This is called Kama.

In Hindu spiritualism, Kama is not at all a ‘prohibited’ subject or we don’t find any ‘male dominancy’ there. Taking the lovers’ longing for reunion as a metaphor for the soul’s longing for union with the divine makes sexuality more acceptable in ‘Sufism.’ And in a later period, ‘Hindu Bhaktism’ by Sri Chaitanya also adopted this idea easily.

But in Western philosophy, the natural and the universal are sharply divided — like heaven and earth. The division of tasks between heaven and earth, suffering on earth and happiness beyond, is part and parcel of Western culture and its philosophy, religion and mythology. Westerners tend to see the sensuous world around us as false or illusory and the world ‘beyond’ as real. But in Hindu spiritualism, when you are in your sexual desire, you might sense complete presence in your sensuous world, a perfect moment which is spiritual, natural and carnal all at once.

Professor David Lee Miller in his book Philosophy of Creativity (Peter Lang Publishing Inc., New York, 1990) tries to define creativity as the “feeling” of pure experience vital to a realistic grasp of life with the ‘sensuous world’ (Miller named it ‘as-in-the-whole-Earth’). Plato first refused this ‘sensuous world’ and under Plato’s influence, Western thought has been dominated by a model (paradigm) of neglecting this knowledge and of value in experience. But Miller, in his book, tries to establish that creativity is of the whole Earth (or we can say ‘sensuous world’) rather than being limited to particular aspects.

It is the philosophy of sexuality in Hindu spiritualism that made Kalidas and Jaydev write two great masterpieces: Kumar Sambhav (Kalidas, fourth century B.C.) and Gita Govinda (Jaydev, twelfth century A.D.). These works depict lovers in separation and union; in longing and abandonment, and have been portrayed in thousands of exquisite miniature paintings in India.

Kumar Sambhav , is about the begetting of Kartikeya, the god of war who was the son of Siva and P?rvati, and depicts the monogamous form of sexuality. In contrast, the erotic love of Radha and Krishna in Gita Govinda is not limited to the love of only two persons, but is extended to the 1,600 women known as ‘gopis.’ Unlike in Kumar Sambhav, the love of Radha and Krishna was not at all a monogamous example as Radha never was the wife of Krishna and the ‘gopis’ were also well-connected with the god ‘Lord Krishna’ in sexual desire and lovemaking.

We can say the love of Krishna was polyamorous and was more an evocation and elaboration of passionate love or an attempt to capture the exciting, fleeting moments of the senses. It could also be an evocation of the baffling ways in which love’s pleasures and pains were felt before retrospective recollection, trying to regain a lost control over emotional life. This is why this love story grips our imagination every time we encounter the animated expressions, flashing eyes, and sinuous movements of a dancer, who as Radha, expresses her anger at Krishna’s infidelities or who as Krishna, begs forgiveness for his irresponsible dalliance.

Gita Govinda was first of its kind to be included in the ritual service of the temple of Lord Jagannath at Puri, one of the four most sacred pilgrimage places of Hinduism. So, as the concept of Brahmacharya (suppression of sexual desire) exists, so also exists the concept of spiritual sexism in every authentic entity in this Eastern religion.
But the fundamentalists always try to prohibit sex though no doubt, we are the product of sexuality and our mind characterizes what it experiences, which has a great influence on how our mind perceives the creative process. This creative process, as an inherent sexuality, is always enhanced when we are in sexual desire or find ourselves in the grip of sexuality.

The writing process is a sexual process. When a writer wants to expose a physical life or an energetic life, a creative tension and a flow of energy is generated in the creative process. This creative tension can be experienced as a sexual tension and the flow of energy creates life or describes a new life.

Religion or society never cares for any artistic sensibility as Plato’s domination and so this inherent sexual influence over creativity has also always been denied by our sexual gurus. So, we find there are descriptions of fetishism, voyeurism, and exhibitionism in the writings after the Second World War. We also find our writers/artists/musicians always have an inclination towards their sexual orientation and sexual behaviour and we encounter how much sexual desire they have.

We find Christina Rossetti, George Eliot, Mary Wollstonecraft, Willa Cather, Emily Dickinson, Sarah Orne Jewett, A. E. Housman, T. S. Eliot, Federico García Lorca, Charlotte Mew, Viscountess Rhondda, Cicely Hamilton, Elizabeth Robins,Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvoire were either homosexual or bisexual. In contrast, very few of Indian writers have had the courage to admit such truth but Amrita Pritam, Maitreyi Pushpa, Kamala Das, Harivanshrai Vachchan, and Rajendra Yadav are among them.

Still, Asian and African writers have not shown any admissible indication to point out their sexual inheritance in their writings, though their culture is more open to nature than Western cultures. This is a peculiar situation of contradiction and one which we cannot pass up.

Professor Sarojini Sahoo is an author and a feminist and can be reached at Her blog and website are and

Film Review: Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire is the first great film of the new “flat world.” “Jamal” (Dev Patel), the hero of Slumdog Millionaire, is a Mumbai teenager who becomes a contestant on the Indian version of the TV game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire. The plot is as simple as can be: every time Millionaire’s host asks a new question, Jamal has a flashback. Each flashback leads Jamal to an answer and gives us another chapter of his life story.

Slumdog Millionaire rests on the shoulders of the nine young actors who play Jamal and his two fellow “musketeers” at various ages, and co-directors Danny Boyle and Loveleen Tandan do a dazzling job of completely individuating them through a complicated series of often heart-breaking adventures. Stay for the credits—they’re the icing on the cake. Bravo!

A Teen’s Plea

Help us—because we are all human beings!

by Nour Kharma

(9th Grade Gaza City resident)

Today, it is the two weeks of this horrible war. Last Saturday was the worst day of all. When I woke up in the morning one of my friends called. His voice sounded strange when I asked, “How are you?”
He answered “Fine, but have you heard any news about any of your friends?”

I was really scared, and asked him, “What’s wrong?”

He told me Christine died. I went into a state of shock. I still don’t believe it.



He is a dead man walking
Therefore he is

B. R. Gowani

He basked in that face

Therefore he was

He lacks that bliss

Therefore he is

He cherished the naughtiness

Therefore he was

He misses those chords

Therefore he is

He relished the playful eyes

Therefore he was

He lost that vision

Therefore he is

He treasured the mischief

Therefore he was

He feels the deadly silence

Therefore he is

He loved the coquetry

Therefore he was

He misses that dalliance

Therefore he is

He smelled the love

Therefore he was

He lacks the life-essence

Therefore he is

He felt the glow

Therefore he was

He senses the cold

Therefore he is

He savored the closeness

Therefore he was

He misses the nearness

Therefore he is

He teased and harassed

Therefore he was

He has tears and sighs

Therefore he is

He was blessed with joy

Therefore he was

He is cursed with pain

Therefore he is

He saw the real world

Therefore he was

He lacks the paradise

Therefore he is

He was the prophet

Therefore he was

He lost the Goddess

Therefore he is

He had the Persephone

Therefore he was

He is drowned in autumn

Therefore he is

He had the companion

Therefore he was

He is all alone

Therefore he is

He was with the heavens

Therefore he was

He is in hell

Therefore he is

He was full of life

Therefore he was

He is just breathing

Therefore he is

He was an agile paramour

Therefore he was

He is a dead man walking

Therefore he is

December 18, 2008

B. R. Gowani can be reached at

‘It was important to center the LGBTQ Latino community in all of this’


Jorge Gutierrez: “This is about the deep violence that in many ways this country is so obsessed with.” PHOTO/Famili

Janine Jackson interviewed Jorge Gutierrez about the Orlando massacre

Janine Jackson: In the wake of the horrific attack at Pulse in Orlando, it was all too clear what story some corporate media wanted to tell. Frank Bruni in the New York Times told readers, yes, it was LGBTQ people who were killed and injured, but the attack was really on “freedom itself,” because we in America “integrate and celebrate diverse points of view.” A Guardian journalist walked off the set of a Sky TV interview in which the host insisted the Orlando attack was on “human beings” enjoying themselves, and questioned why he, a gay man, would want to take “ownership” of the crime.

Media are backing off that “clash of civilizations” storyline a little bit, but their eagerness to cram the event into a xenophobic, anti-Islam narrative they’re comfortable with was telling. There’s a value to expanding our definition of “us,” so that we empathize whenever anyone is harmed, but then there’s also vaguing things out so much that you distort and misunderstand what’s happening and what’s at stake.

What if instead of lecturing us, media just listened to the people who were impacted? Joining us to discuss some of the many things that the Orlando killings give us to think about is Jorge Gutierrez, founder and national coordinator of Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement. Welcome to CounterSpin, Jorge Gutierrez.

Jorge Gutierrez: Hi. Thank you so much for having me.

JJ: Many things, of course, are involved here. There’s access to absurdly lethal weapons and access to mental healthcare. There are a number of valid conversations that can grow from this. But it seems important to keep focus on who was targeted and who was killed. But the queer Latinx community is not one that big media have any deep knowledge of, for sure. The video that Familia released, and that’s been widely shared, spoke into that void. Tell us about why you made that video, and what was the message of it?

JG: Waking up on Sunday morning to such horrible news and knowing that this happened at a gay club, it happened on a Latino night where there was Latino and black folks and trans folks were there…. But we didn’t see that being visible in what the media was sharing all through Sunday. And so we thought that there was a need from us to center our lives and our community, and uplift our community in all of this. And so for us, it was a response directly to the erasure from mainstream media of the LGBTQ Latino community, and also a response from us, like you said, about what really happened.

And so we know that this conversation is so complex, and that there’s so many layers to it, but for us, it was important to center the LGBTQ Latino community in all of this. In some ways, we were creating our own narrative, our own story, our own media, because we felt that the mainstream media was ignoring the fact that more than half were Puerto Rican victims and then also Mexican victims and Salvadoran victims. And so we know that over 80 percent of the victims were Latino. And so for us, that was how we wanted to center the conversation.

JJ: Yes, we’ve heard people like Rep. Pete Sessions stumble his way through, you know, it was a young person’s club and some people were gay, but they were mainly Latino—as though some people just can’t see things together. And it’s this thing of intersectionality, you know, the term introduced by critical race theorist Kim Crenshaw, not to mean being two things at once, which we all are, but to mean the way that some people’s particular experience can be erased or made invisible by the way that we consider things along just one vector at a time.

People were gratified, for example, to see CNN’s Anderson Cooper when he was talking to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who opposed same sex marriage, and he was saying, you know, the language that you used in that fight, that gays and lesbians do social harm, you know, that language has repercussions. It isn’t that what happened on June 12 isn’t another order of horror, but there is an effort, isn’t there, to connect it to the violence against LGBTQ people of color every day?

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