6-year-old boy has an IQ that’s off the charts

By Joe Danneman –

LOVELAND, OH (FOX19) – Like a lot of kids, Pranav Veera is good at video games. But unlike a lot of kids, he can name all the United States presidents and their birthdays.

He also knows the planets and how long it takes for them to go around the sun.
He knows the states in alphabetical order, and the alphabet – backwards. Name the date, and he’ll name the day.

Pranav is in kindergarten at McCormick Elementary. His class is learning the ABC’s while he’s learning to multiply.
His IQ is 176, which is one in a million intelligence. He can’t explain how he does it. He just does it.
“Our approach is let’s treat him like a normal child,” said Pranav’s father, Prasad Veera. “Yet leverage the skills and talents that he’s got.”
His parents noticed Pranav’s special talents when he turned four years old.
“I think the dates, particularly, are impressive,” said Prasad. “He can remember the dates and recall them in just a fraction of a second.”
Pranav uses posters, toys and books to exercise his gifted mind, a mind with a photographic memory.
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