Surreal realities – Catholic Taliban; border agents; wall maker (5)


Catholic Taliban Bannon

CARTOON/Stephff/China Daily/via Independent

Like President Donald Trump, his Chief Strategist Steve Bannon also sees wars and enemies everywhere; then he talks about fighting those foes. In 2014, speaking at a conference in the Vatican, Bannon said:

“And we’re at the very beginning stages of a very brutal and bloody conflict, of which if the people in this room, the people in the church, do not bind together and really form what I feel is an aspect of the church militant, to really be able to not just stand with our beliefs, but to fight for our beliefs against this new barbarity that’s starting, that will completely eradicate everything that we’ve been bequeathed over the last 2,000, 2,500 years.”

Known as the “shadow president“, Steve Bannon is a white supremacist Catholic/Taliban who claims there is a mosque at the North Pole. It’s up to the reader to cry or laugh or do both at such a nonsense. Bannon is in extreme hurry to impose his ideas as urgently as he could and so the ban on people from seven Muslim countries. The courts in the US overturned the ban.

President Trump said he would give a preference to Christian refugees from Syria who, according to him, have been ignored in favor of Muslims. (There are 10% Christians in Syria, 1/5th of them are Roman Catholics.)

Steve Bannon is a Roman Catholic. Mexico is predominantly a Catholic country, 83% of the Mexicans are Roman Catholic. The hatred for Muslims forces Trump/Bannon to favor Syrian Christians but their hatred of Mexicans leads them to ignore the Roman Catholicism of the Mexican undocumented immigrants whom they want to deport.

Border agents

Fadwa Alaoui of Quebec, Canada, says her treatment by U.S. border agents left her ‘humiliated.’ PHOTO/Salimah Shivji/CBC

Trump administration got pissed off when the court order overturned it’s ban on people from seven Muslim majority countries. Realizing that direct fight might not yield the desired result, it has come up with a solution called “extreme vetting.”

Fadwa Alaoui, a Canadian Muslim of Moroccan origin who wears hijab, was denied an entry at the US/Canadian border by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. She and her cousin were questioned for four hours. The questions:

“He [U.S. border agent] said, ‘Do you practise [religion]? Which mosque do you go to? What is the name of the imam? How often do you go to the mosque? What kind of discussions do you hear in the mosque? Does the imam talk to you directly?'”

She was also asked about her views on Trump’s policies! Now that’s tough. More than half of the population in the US, most of the Muslims, quite a big proportion of the rest of the world hates Trump and his policies.

Trump’s wall

Donald Trump building a wall PHOTO/Reddit/Imgur/NDTV

Trump’s wall on US/Mexico border will cost $21.6 billion and will take three and a half years to build. But Trump doesn’t want to pay the cost; he wants Mexico to pay the bill. Yes, it’s surreal.

(On June 15, 2015, Trump announced his presidential candidacy with all sorts of racist and unbelievable nonsense, including building a Wall on United States/Mexico border, as if wall like restrictions were not in place then. What President Barack Obama should have done then was to announce and start construction of the wall and should have completed it by November 8, 1016, the day of presidential election. After winning the election, Trump would have definitely announced that he would demolish the wall built by Obama. Trump just wants to do opposite of what Obama did – whether good or bad. The demolition of Obama’s wall would have been a great achievement of Trump.)

B. R. Gowani can be reached at

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