Whiten your privates; earn his attention


The obsession with “fair” skin in South Asia has now reached the genital zone. The following video ad shows a couple where the man seems busy sipping tea and reading the paper, while the woman is sad and lonely due to the lack of attention from her man. She goes to the bathroom and pours harmful bleaching lotion from the bottle into her hand. Suddenly the groin area sheds its dark color. In the next scene, she emerges in shorts in a playful mood and the man, now in suit and ready to go to work, pays attention and carries her into his arms.

With this product, as with others, the users themselves have to be wary of using harmful products and be aware of the side effects of these products. The government does not give a damn and the manufacturers and advertisers are busy making money.

A note
There is sexism involve in this ad.
A man is shown reading whereas the woman is not.
A man is going to work whereas the woman’s duty is to beautify herself in a way that is acceptable to her man.

Whiten your vulva; earn his attention


you’ve a beautiful face
and plenty of grace
no one can beat your style
nor match your smile
you’ve a figure that’s ideal
that can make men kneel
arms, legs, face are white
and your teeth are bright
sadly, the vulva is not white
and that on you is a blight
testosterones do not mind
they’re discrimination blind
for me, whiten the vulva, dear
the side-effects, do not fear

B. R. Gowani can be reached at brgowani@hotmail.com

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