Denmark: Culture minister accused of trying to halt TV programme


A new drama series on DR may not focus solely on the Danish defeat to the Prussians at the Battle of Dybbøl in 1864, Per Stig Møller, the culture minister, told the public broadcaster’s managers last year.

While Møller maintains his comment was simply an explanation of the guidelines set out for DR, his opponents are accusing him of undermining the system that is meant to prevent politicians from interfering with the broadcaster’s programming, reports Politiken newspaper.

To this day, the Battle of Dybbøl remains one of the darkest chapters of Danish history, since it opened the door to the loss of Danish territory to the Germans. For many Danes, it continues to define the country’s relationship with the country’s southern neighbour.

The problem with Møller’s statement, say experts, is that it contravenes what is known as the ‘arm’s length’ principle, said Frands Mortensen, professor in media studies at Aarhus University.

Copenhagen Post for more

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