The Mis-portrayal of Darwin as a Racist

By R. G. Price

There is a growing effort among opponents of evolution to portray Charles Darwin as a racist, and evolutionary theory as morally reprehensible, even to claim that Darwinism “provided Hitler and the Nazis with a scientific justification for the policies they pursued once they came to power.”
These accusations are not merely from fringe radicals, but have indeed been made by elected officials and published in books by university professors, as we shall see.
Most disturbing, however, is the lack of significant rebuttal to these charges. Many people in fact, including some evolutionary biologists, find it easy to believe that perhaps Darwin was a racist, and perhaps evolutionary theory did contribute to Nazi ideology.
In 2001 African American State Representative Sharon Broome of Louisiana sponsored a resolution to condemn “Darwinist ideology” as racist and liken it to Nazism.
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