Amazon ad sells compassion


Christian cleric and a Muslim cleric in an Amazon ad IMAGE/USA Today (view ad on YouTube)

the Crusades against Muslim countries
western colonialism in Muslim countries
imperialism changed Muslim countries
US military interventions in Muslim countries

US created Muslim Mujahadeen,
including Osama bin Laden,
for its own goals

the US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other Muslim countries
created more jihadis
who then attacked US soil
now all Muslims are labelled “terrorists”

in today’s prevailing situation
there is a dire need for amity

in an Amazon ad
a Muslim cleric visits a white Christian cleric
who seem like close friends
they part after chitchat
each recognized the other’s ailment
and both send each other knee braces
of course, through Amazon

a brilliant ad
few words exchanged, yet compassion galore
a message of kindness for multi-religious/cultural/ethnic co-existence
(probably to counter Trump’s white nationalism)

eyes might give away sentimental tears
but hold on to the tragic tears

who owns Amazon?
Jeff Bezos
world’s 3rd richest man
also owns Washington Post,
an influential newspaper,
that in March 2016, ran 16 stories in 16 hours
on Hillary Clinton’s rival Bernie Sanders
all of them negative
because Sanders was against the status quo
(the Post endorsed Hillary’s bid for presidency)
(Amazon got a $600 million contract from the US CIA)

Amazon, like other big companies, is a tax evader
Austria’s Chancellor Christian Kern lamented:

“Every Viennese cafe, every sausage stand
pays more tax in Austria
than a multinational corporation.”
“That goes for Starbucks, Amazon
and other companies.”

(Apple, Facebook, and others are tax cheaters too)

shed your tragic tears
Bezos is out for your money
this tax-cheater treats his employees
or Amazonians in an inhuman manner
it has nothing to do with humanity

B. R. Gowani can be reached at