The mild revolutionary, the capitalist jihadis, the Christian/capitalist crusader


(From left) Presidential candidates US Senator Ted Cruz, billionaire businessman Donald Trump, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, and Senator Bernie Sanders PHOTO/Reuters/David Becker/Randall Hil/Scott Morgan/Mark Kauzlarich/Salon

The mild revolutionary

The extreme economic inequality, the root cause of many ills, requires someone like Bernie Sanders to be the next president of the United States, who, though not a radical revolutionary, will take some concrete steps to somewhat eliminate such a vast gap between the filthy rich and others.

The capitalist jihadis

Though billionaire Donald Trump of Republican Party and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton of Democratic Party may seem candidates with different outlooks, they are not that dissimilar. Hillary is trying to portray herself as if she is on the left of Sanders, whereas Trump is pulling all the cards to create his image as a diehard traditionalist. Both are acting out their roles. Both are power-hungry opportunists and would do anything or go to any length to get what they want.

A suggestion: If Trump becomes the next president, he should choose Hillary as his secretary of state. He can screw the domestic population and she can screw the world. On the other hand, if Hillary gets lucky to win the top position, she can, with her millionaire/billionaire supporters, create more inequality, while Trump can build wall on the US/Mexican border. Trump can use the US military to force other nations to buy his Trump brand. Meanwhile, Hillary, along with her husband Bill, can give paid speeches at big corporate events and mint millions of dollars. Between February 2001 and May 2015, the Clintons made $153 million through paid speeches. It’s a great business. The monstrous corporations make profits of billions of dollars and pay millions to listen to Clintons’ wisdom, which enables them to increase their profits. (The paid speech thing is not restricted to Clintons alone, many politicians give such speeches.)

The Christian/capitalist crusader

The worst among the rest of the three candidates is US Senator Ted Cruz from Texas. (Still in the race are two other candidates, Ohio Governor John Kasich and US Senator Marco Rubio from Florida, both Republicans, with very little chance of winning the nomination.) Cruz is anti-choice, anti-gay, anti-liberal, anti-peace, and anti what not. On top of all that, he is a Christian zealot who, even at events where nothing anti-Israel is going on, remembers to praise that country. He is dangerously pro-Israel.

In September 2014, while addressing a group called In Defense of Christians in Washington, D.C, Ted Cruz, US Senator from Texas, now one of the Republican presidential candidates, said the following:

“Let me say this, those who hate Israel, hate America. And those who hate Jews hate Christians.” “I will say this, if you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you.”

(At 2:51 to 3:02 and 5:00 to 5:11 in the video)

It has an eerie similarity to George W. Bush’s warning:

“Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”

Cruz is a hardcore Christian fanatic, he is the US version of Islamic State Caliph Abu Bakr Baghdadi. He has that inner hatred which you can find in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi or George W. Bush, former US president.

He is much more dangerous than Donald Trump and must be avoided at all costs.

B. R. Gowani can be reached at