Robert Mugabe at an Africa-EU summit in November 2010. EU officials last year described him as physically fit and mentally sharp, according the WikiLeaks cables PHOTO/Geert Vanden Wijngaert/AP/The Guardian
Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe viciously hates gays
because he is under the influence of Christ’s rays
gays are “pigs, goats and birds” says this bigot
who himself is nothing but a bunghole spigot
he is mad because US granted gays equal rights
and is experiencing many many sleepless nights
he has offered a marriage proposal to Obama
which is nothing but attention drawing drama
Mugabe will propose by getting “down on my knee”
in Washington D. C. during the early hours wee
he said if necessary he’ll ask for Obama’s “hand”
probably accompanied by the anti-LGBTIQ band
this “homosexual nonsense,” “we will never have it here”
says this dictator of Zimbabwe, now turned seer
Mugabe’s wedding proposal Obama should accept
and start preparing for the grand wedding in Sept
then Obama should take Mugabe on a month’s honeymoon
to the African country called Republic of Cameroon
Obama should indulge in love making day and night
let’s see how much stamina has this Mugabe knight
at 91, Robert Mugabe won’t survive too long
54 year old fit and strong Obama’s love song
B. R. Gowani can be reached at