Soon, 99% will be tension free


“It’s the event of the year. From January 21-24, over 2,500 of the world’s most influential figures from business, politics, academia and the arts will gather in the mile-high alpine resort of Davos to address the world’s most pressing concerns in a variety of workshops, panels and conferences.” “This year, an invitation carries a minimum $71,000 price tag, but even that, according to musician Bono, won’t deter ‘the fat cats from playing in the snow’”. PHOTO/European CEO

in the very near future
99% of the people will be tension-free

in 2009, 1% owned 44% of the wealth
in 2014, 1% owns 48% of the wealth
in 2016, 1% will own more than 50% of the wealth
in 20–, 1% will own 100% of the wealth

the 1% has a great disparity within itself
in 2014, 1,645 billionaires controlled $6.4 trillion
in 2013, they had $5.4 trillion
hard work pays off
(trillion has 12 zeros – 1,000,000,000,000
i.e. one million million)

1% owns 48% of the wealth
19% owns 46% of the wealth
80% has 5.5% of the wealth

every adult of the 1% club owns an average of $2.7 million
every adult of the 80% group has an average savings of $3,851

more than a billion people live on $1.25 a day
e.i. 15% of world’s population
the earth is inhabited by over 7 billion people

1 in 9 people can’t get enough food to eat
that is, over 800 million people

hunger, starvation, and a little money creates a lot of tension

let’s pray to the 1%
that they may soon become more wealthy
that they succeed in controlling 100% of the wealth
and thus the 99% become tension-free

in old times
kings, queens, noblemen, Church, and a few had everything
life was simple although empty for most folks

many dream of traveling back in time
well, very soon …
the 1% will transfer the 99% into the past, free of charge

no money, no tension
anyway, money is the root of all evil

the 99% should be grateful to the 1%
for providing salvation from this evil

B. R. Gowani can be reached at