Obama’s chance to help liberal Muslims


Former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki Al Faisal with Russian President Vladimir Putin PHOTO/Amena Bakr/Warren Strobel/Reuters

One look at President Barack Obama’s balance sheet, up till today, will make it clear that the evil deeds far outnumbers the good ones. One great deed on the good side is his inaction on the Syrian civil war, despite immense pressure from Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Israeli Lobby and other warmongers in the United States.

The Israeli Lobby in the US, country of Israel, and the warmongers in the US have always openly defied US presidents and governments whenever they have not followed policy/policies beneficial to Israel-even though it could be hurting many other countries, including the US. What is new this time is the Saudi openness in registering their unhappiness over Obama’s decision of not opting for a military action against Syria.

Bandar bin Sultan

For a year, Saudi Arabia tried hard to get a seat on the UN Security Council. But now it doesn’t want it because the United Nations is not very effective and has failed to resolve the Syrian and Palestine/Israel conflicts. Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the former Saudi ambassador to the US clarifies the move further:

This was a message for the U.S., not the U.N.

The US puppy has grown up and has started barking at the Master. Bandar is responsible for training and arming the Syrian rebels. He told the European diplomats that his country will work with other allies and scale back its cooperation with the US. It is not clear whether Bander has the Saudi King’s support or not.

Between 1948 and 1967, the entire Palestine disappeared from the world map and became Israel. Now the people of Palestine are struggling to breathe freely in the 22% of the territory (Gaza and West Bank) which Israel has given them but without relinquishing its power or its authority to build settlements in the West Bank. Now suddenly Bander remembers the Palestinians-one wonders, where the hell was he all these years.

Prince Turki Al Faisal

Prince Turki Al Faisal, former director of Saudi intelligence, has expressed similar views and has doubted Rouhani’s ability to put Iran on a “sensible” path:

“Whether (Iranian President Hassan) Rouhani will succeed in steering Iran toward sensible policies is already contested in Iran. The forces of darkness in Qom and Tehran are well entrenched.”

The guy talking about Iran’s “forces of darkness” is one of the most cruelest and heinous character in the Middle East; he is responsible for supporting the forces of darkness in several countries.

Chris Van Hollen

Representative Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat, has figured ou the Saudi game and has voiced his opposition to the Saudi moves:

“We know their game. They’re trying to send a signal that we should all get involved militarily in Syria, and I think that would be a big mistake to get in the middle of the Syrian civil war.”

“And the Saudis should start by stopping their funding of the al Qaeda-related groups in Syria. In addition to the fact that it’s a country that doesn’t allow women to drive.”

Obama’s golden chance

About 15% of the World’s Muslims are Shias. The rest of them are Sunni Muslims. Syria is ruled by a minority Shia sect. Iran’s population is mostly Shia. Iraq’s 60% population is Shias. The Saudis are Sunnis, and that also, the most fanatic ones. Saudis are spending their petro dollars to fund various Muslim countries and Muslim militant groups around the world.

The US imports only 5% of the oil from Saudi Arabia so it doesn’t have to worry about a 1973 type oil embargo. Besides, things have changed so much since then that Saudis won’t even think of an embargo against the Super Rogue Power.

The question on many people’s minds would be what if the Saudis join the Russians or the Chinese. The possibility is not that bright because both China and Russia have unsatisfied Muslim minorities in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Chechen Republic respectively, and so both countries would like to maintain a distance and thus curb Saudi Arabia from gaining any more influence in those places.

The Shias are under attack in several Muslim countries and in many places their places of worship are bombed. In many places, the Shias have been the targets of systematic massacres. Many Sunni countries are introducing Islamic laws or are using Islam to terrify the minorities. The billionaire Sultan of Brunei has announced that within six months his country is going to introduce Sharia/Islamic laws. In Malaysia the government has forbidden non-Muslims from using the word “Allah” to describe their God. A province in Indonesia allows flogging of people. Similar idiocies are going on in African countries with Muslim majority. Those Muslims (Sunnis and Shias) who would want to oppose the extremists are fearful of reprisals. In this situation, it would be a good news if the US support for Saudi ruling class declines. Obama should enhance his overtures towards Iran and should find liberal Muslims from both groups, Sunnis and Shias, and should work with them to fight the extremists.

The US never does anything where it has nothing to benefit from. In distancing itself from the Saudis and helping the liberal Muslims, the US can derive huge advantages by reducing the power of the 7th century Muslims.

B. R. Gowani can be reached at brgowani@hotmail.com