Supporters of US soldier Bradley Manning protest his detention outside Fort McNair in Washington DC on the final day of closing arguments in his military trial July 26, 2013 in Washington, DC. SOURCE/Google
Manning is kept naked in a very small cell
and solitary confinement makes it a hell
from the US crimes, he lifted a thick veil
and in return he got ninety-years in jail
to the US, the WikiLeaks did no harm
yet looking for revenge is its bloody arm
in custody, the US wants Assange-troll
but how to get him out of London-hole?
Snowden informed how the US spies on us
and paid a heavy price by being country less
one of the three nations tasted the US force
which possibly was to be the asylum source
why is everyone under the United States eye?
so its misdeeds are ignored by all under the sky
why people suffer for doing good in these times?
so one dares to expose the United States’ crimes
B. R. Gowani can be reached at