we can create chaos
we can bomb buildings
we can blow up people
we can partition nations
we can invade countries
we can destroy infrastructures
we can overthrow governments
we control the air space
we dominate the world
we rule the seas
we are the Masters of the Universe
no one can defy us
because no one has anything with which to defy us
we have international copyrights for
imposing “democracy”
for carrying out “humanitarianism”
to teach “civility”
to maintain “law and order”
if any one’s conscience bites
too bad for that person
and if that person tries to oppose
we’ll mess up that person so bad
that he wouldn’t even recognize himself
it’ll be like an alzheimer
one of our soldier, Bradley manning suffered
a conscience attack
so he passed out video of
US Apache helicopter attacks on civilians
and other information, including
about our wars on Iraq and Afghanistan
he hates war, loves peace
so we provided him with absolute peace
he’s mostly by himself, 23 hours of the day
in a 6 feet by 12 feet cell
1 hour or less
he spends in another room
where, bound in shackles
he walks in circles
the minute he stops walking
he’s back in his cell
but we do care for his life, and are
scared that he’ll try to take it
you know, we abhor violence
so currently he’s forced to stay naked
now he has peace from clothes, things, world, …
a tiny cell is his world
he has got all the peace in the world, now
he also has peace from the news media
it has got important issues to deal with
Mubarak thugs beat Anderson Cooper
and he made sure that Mubarak was doffed
now Cooper is tied up in his efforts to remove Gaddafi
Kiran Chetry is busy flirting
and showing off her thighs
out of concern for Manning’s life
we bother him every 5 minutes
and he has to respond
don’t worry
he won’t be sentenced to death
we’ll turn him into a dead man walking
and make opponents of capital punishment happy
we’re trying to get Assange
before Manning turns into vegetable
to provide him with some moral support
B. R. Gowani can be reached at